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Paternity Test – Ireland’s Surprise Paternity Results


A paternity test is capable of establishing with 100% level of accuracy if someone is not the biological father of a child and can, conversely, make apparent with a 99.9% level of certainty if someone is the father. As such, it came as quite a surprise when a recent study into paternity in Ireland discovered that as many as 35% of presumed fathers may not actually be biologically related to their child.

Paternity Test – Answering Difficult Questions

According to a report on, a study carried out by a leading paternity test provider discovered that 1 in 3 men in the Emerald Isle may be raising children that are not actually theirs. The study revealed that, of the men tested in the previous 18 months, a surprisingly high number, around 35%, were not actually the child’s biological parent. The uptake of paternity tests was on the increase in Ireland as father’s sought peace of mind regarding their fatherhood. Unfortunately, however, the findings from many a paternity test discovered that they may not have been fretting without reason. A paternity test is employed for a variety of reasons, not merely for fathers seeking the truth. They also play an important part in legal proceedings with regard to getting biological fathers to take responsibility for their offspring.

Paternity Test – Binge Drinking Britain

According to the paternity experts behind the research, the increase in the cases of mistaken identities remedied by a paternity test may be as the result of the binge drinking culture that is rife throughout the UK. It is suggested that the increase in alcohol consumption could increase levels of infidelity and that people may have more partners. According to the report on, the research carried out by the paternity test experts found that 9 out of 10 paternity tests during the study people were for people with different surnames, which indicated that they were not married.

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